
Prometheus Beta-QR

Created by Jason

Bringing you a Prometheus light in a small, affordable, innovative package.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit (re)Invite & Run-Time Testing
over 10 years ago – Wed, Nov 06, 2013 at 07:13:09 AM

BackerKit Invites: Round #2

Hi all, 

I sent out an new round of invites a couple hours ago to the 383 people who have not completed their BackerKit registration and/or filled out the BackerKit survey. If you are receiving this update via email, then you "should" receive the BackerKit invite, because it goes to the same email address. Please keep in mind, filling out BackerKit is mandatory because this replaces the standard Kickstarter survey. 

If you don't receive an invite in the next 24 hours or so, please email [email protected] . About all I can do on this end is push the "invite" button over and over :) 

Run-Time Testing! 

ANSI FL1 is a voluntary standard (set forth by the American National Standards Institute) that flashlight companies can use to report the performance of their flashlights. This is intended to make "apple to apples" comparisons easier. However, since the standard is voluntary, there is no independent oversight about the accuracy of manufacturer's claims. 

Many flashlight companies inflate or completely fabricate their test results, and that is a disservice to customers and the industry in general. The main thing that sets top-tier companies apart from the rest is accurate reporting, not performance. It's very hard to compete with companies who just make up the numbers. In general, I really do my best to err on the side of under-reporting my performance numbers because I like to deliver what I promise. That doesn't make me perfect and I revise performance figures based on new information. Sometimes that means they go down, but it also means they can go up! 

My brand reputation is built on quality, transparency, and accurate reporting, so I want to show you my Run-Time test results for the 2 mode driver and provide some other disclosures. Not big stuff, just FYI. 

  • The run-time figures of the 3 mode are calculated, based on the physical measurements taken from the 2 mode driver. I have not physically tested the 3 mode driver for run-time, but when I do, I'll post updated figures to my website. 
  • Both the 2 mode and 3 mode have been physically tested for lumens output
  • I don't (in most cases) physically run-time test anything other than "high mode" because I don't have automated measuring equipment that will monitor the test for hours on end. I have to stand there with a stopwatch. 
  • The run times for medium and low (listed in the campaign) have also been calculated and not directly measured. I've used this method in the past, and found that the actual run-times of medium and low modes tended to exceed the calculated run-times. Your mileage may vary.

The first thing you might notice from the graph is that the Alkaline battery performance drops off really fast...but you should not be using them anyway (see below). The second thing you should look at is the red "depleted" line at the bottom. This represents that magic 10% number that ANSI sets forth. The Alkaline squeaks in at the 60 minute mark, but the other two options provide robust performance. 

It's clear that if you want to get the most out of your Beta-QR, you should choose Eneloop Ni-Mh rechargeable batteries, or the Lithium disposables. For my money, the rechargeable is a no-brainer. In fact, there is no reason you should be using disposable AAA or AA batteries in reason at all. Click here to see a blog post I did on Eneloop batteries almost 2 years ago

Note #1: If you want to use the "lithium disposable" battery, this is the kind of lithium you can buy at the drug/hardware store that's designed for "performance" electronics like cameras...and is disposable. THIS IS NOT a li-ion rechargeable battery. Li-ion CANNOT be used in the Beta-QR. If you are still thinking about using disposable batteries, you might check out my other blog post on the "cost of ownership" for a flashlight.  

Note #2: The lines do not overlap at the 0-15 minute mark because I separated them so you can see each line. The difference is NOT related to the performance of the battery, and the purpose of the chart is to look at the run time, not the output.  

Note #3: The ANSI standards require a sample size of 5 lights and the measurements get averaged. What this means is that every single light will have different brightness and different run time, and it's statistically probable that your light will fall outside the "stated" range...maybe above...or maybe below. 

Where is your BackerKit email? Coming Soon! :)
over 10 years ago – Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 12:06:40 PM

Hi all,

I posted an answer in the comments for the previous update, but I'm still getting comments and messages so I might as well go whole hog and make another update.

When will the invites "really" go out?  

First, it's basically my fault. I didn't realize that a human over at BackerKit would need to give my account "final approval" before I could actually send out the invite emails. They just want to double check that I've set everything up correctly before the information starts flooding in. Cool, but it's also Sunday in the US. I'm hoping they can take care of this Monday AM, at which point invites will go out. 

Concerns about Missing Deadlines: 

Please don't worry! The ONLY people in danger of getting their pledges dropped are the (roughly) 30 people who have not had their Amazon payments processed. Every person received an email confirmation one way or the other (we processed your card or were unable to). Amazon sets the cutoff date for paying @ two weeks. 

Even if you miss the BackerKit "lock-down" date (assuming you have paid through Amazon) I can give you manual access to your account at a later date. Again, please don't worry. If you paid, you'll get your reward, but if you are late, your reward might be late :) 

The reason and timing for the scary sounding "lock-down" :

Please keep in mind that you are a large group of 1800 people and that this process is aimed at trying to get high percentage of the group to complete the BackerKit process quickly. Individual exceptions can be worked out, but the more exceptions (like people missing the lock down date) the more administrative work it creates and the more difficult it becomes to fulfill rewards super fast. So, you are helping me, but you are also helping yourself and your fellow backers by responding quickly (as soon as I get my act together and actually get the backer invites out of course! :) 

The signup deadline is short because (at this time) I have insufficient information about how many lights have been pledged for, how many will be added on, and the total number of lights to be shipped. I have rough numbers, but not exact numbers. If you remember, manufacturing is already in process and will finish very soon. I need exact numbers ASAP so I can make adjustments to the manufacturing run, etc. Every day counts! 

Thanks and sorry for the confusion! 


One Week to Go!
over 10 years ago – Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 07:52:36 PM

Hi Backers! 

Holy scissor-cutters Batman! It looks like my suspicions were correct about people not being able to see in the dark! 

Really though, thanks so much for everyone's support thus far. Launching a KS project is actually terrifying because you don't know if it will be total failure, total success, or something in between. I've put my excited fist-pumps in and now I've got my head down on trying to deliver rewards in time for Christmas! I committed to delivering the first 1000 lights, but I'll do my best to ship every reward as soon as possible!   

I'm really excited that the Beta-QR will, ahem, see the light of day after working on the project for almost exactly one year to the day. Things are going well. I'm communicating with the factory daily at this point. I have a flight booked for October 18 and will be in Hong Kong for two weeks. My Dad's side of the family lives there, but I'll be spending a couple of days at the factory. 

I have to tell you, it's pretty scary to be working up against such a tight deadline. Anyone in manufacturing (or any kind of project management) can tell you, major setbacks are always an option. Right now things are looking on track, everyone keep your fingers crossed!     

The successful funding of this project makes a huge difference for me, my business, and my family. My most humble thanks for your support, and I look forward to your feedback upon receiving your rewards. Bonus points if you take Christmas unboxing photos! 

If you haven't already shared the project with someone, please please take 30 seconds and send it to someone that can't see in the dark! 

